Date Manufacturers & Companies Who Market Medjool Barhi & Deglet Noor Dates

Agrifood Marketing is an Israeli dates company that supplies distributors and retailers with high-quality dates in many varieties and packaging options. In Europe, we are among the most notable dates manufacturers, bringing Medjool, Barhi, and Deglet Noor dates as long-lasting and high-margin options for your business.

Top-Level Dates Manufacturers


Agrifood Marketing is the gold standard in dates manufacturers. These unique fruits are grown in many temperate regions of the world, but the highest quality products are found here in Israel. Our dates company continues the long tradition of cultivating dates here, and we export them to Europe and other destinations around the world.

If you’re looking to improve your dates marketing, your customers will recognize the standard of excellence that Israeli dates carry with them. From Spain to the Netherlands, Agrifood Marketing is the dates supplier to improve your sales and bring in more customers for your business every day.


What This Dates Company Has to Offer

Dates come in many different varieties, and taking advantage of this variety can expand your business. The most popular choice out of our selection is Medjool dates, which are an internationally known delicacy and favorite dessert in European countries like Germany, Italy, and France. They are bursting with flavor, and the freshness and quality of Agrifood Marketing’s Medjool dates will have your customers coming back for more.

As dates manufacturers, we also provide Barhi dates, a unique choice that stands out among other dates. When fresh, these dates have a satisfying crispness that sets their texture aside from other types of dates. Giving your customers many different choices is key to building a good base, and with Barhi dates from Agrifood Marketing, you’ll be able to do just that.

And, of course, your selection wouldn’t be complete without Deglet Noor dates. These dates demonstrate a very distinct flavor that your customers won’t be able to find anywhere else. They’re not as sweet as Medjool dates and have a taste more like some type of nut. They’re among the most popular date imports in Europe.

What You Need for Your Dates Marketing


As a distributor, Agrifood Marketing can be one of the most effective choices you can make. The wide variety we offer is sure to appeal to your customers and end consumers. Compared to comparable items, our dates have long shelf lives, letting you fully exploit our bulk purchase rates.

In addition to the inherent perks of dates, our dates company offers a wide variety of packaging options. Our pallets can include prepacked dates in the range of 200-grams and cartons of dates up to 5 kilograms. You’ll be able to customize your order to fit the unique needs of your market.

Dates Gaining Popularity in Europe


In Europe, dates have always maintained a particular level of popularity. They’ve been a central component of many deserts, especially across France and Germany. However, in addition to this traditional role, we’re also starting to see more and more European consumers eating dates on their own. Whether for the unique flavor or the many health benefits, the bottom line for your organization is the same. There’s never been a better time to add dates to your stock, and Agrifood Marketing can help you do that.

Put In Your Order for Dates in Europe Today

Agrifood Marketing is the dates company with the greatest range of date varieties and packaging options for wholesale dates in Europe. With our superior products, your organization can build sales and increase customer outreach. You can get started today with a minimum order of 9 tons through our website.

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